Don’t Look Back Vladimir

In 1991, a psychedelic doctor went to the seaside with his glamorous girlfriend called Şirin. Then after the sunset, ”Alok the greatest” appeared in front of the tunnel. ” Is it you, bastard?” a big man yelled to the committee. Alok started laughing. At the same time; 3 girls, 4 boys and 22 hermaphrodites were chilling in an orgy party in the garden. Alok picked up the phone and dialed 911.

” Hi. How can I help you? ”
” Hello ma’am, my best friend puked to my face twice. I need help”


This was an excerpt from my upcoming novel. If you want to buy it in advance of the others, press 3 sarcastically and get naughty! If you enjoyed the excerpt, be sure to catch my new book.


5 thoughts on “Don’t Look Back Vladimir

  1. 0 118 999 88119 9119 725 3

    dur lan bir kontrol edeyim doğru mu diye…

    0118 999 881 999 119 725 ….3

    tüh lan! 1 rakamla kaçırdık iyi mi!

  2. annenin sulhi aksütü gibi: helal olsun.üstüme gelme inanamam.seni bir kalemde rezil ederim

    suna senem. hanginiz yazdıysa -3 rep.

  3. a.q. ingilizce roman yazıyoruz kimse +rep vermiyo. teşvik yok, o yok bu yok, ne var lan it! aranızdan başarılı bir edebiyatçı çıktı diye neden kıskanıyosunuz? ben bi penne arabiatta alayım!

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